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  1. Print preview
  2. Update the invoice recipient’s network connection in the invoice printer
  3. How do I install InExchange Invoice Printer?
  4. Can I send a PDF invoice through InExchange?
  5. Can I send paper invoices with InExchange?
  6. What does the invoice look like when it is sent as Paper or PDF?
  7. How do I see if cover page is enabled for my paper invoices?
  8. On which operating systems does the invoice printer work?
  9. Do I need to select the delivery method for a new receiver or is e-invoice selected automatically?
  10. The file that is sent to the invoice printer, what format should it be in?

Update the invoice recipient’s network connection in the invoice printer

If you need to reconnect an e-invoice recipient to the network (for example, during reorganization at the recipient), you can do so in the step Select how your invoices should be sent in InExchange Invoice Printer.

To change the connection to the network, you can choose to search for the company name, GLN or registration number. Then select the right recipient in the hit list to connect your customer to the correct recipient in the network. A green check Faktura_ok.jpg in the left column shows that an active e-invoice recipient has been linked to your customer in your customer registry at InExchange


You can also change the link on an e-invoice recipient in your customer registry in the InExchange Network. Read more here.

If you do not find the current recipient, please contact InExchange support. 

Ikon_16---Utrop.png Please read more about InExchange Invoice Printer in our Get started guide.

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