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  1. FAQs about InExchange Invoice Printer
  2. Troubleshooting the invoice printer
  3. InExchange Invoice Printer
  4. My account
  5. Match your customer register
  6. Transfer your invoices
  7. Select delivery method and recipient
  8. Send E-invoice
  9. PDF-invoice
  10. Paper invoice

Invoice information

Ikon_26--1.png The invoice printer's last step, Invoice check, displays additional information about the recipient or invoice. For example, if you have entered an incorrect reference or if the invoice would have been sent earlier, you'll get a notice about a duplicate invoice.


Ikon_26--2.png View – Opens the invoice in the browser.

Ikon_26--3.png Remove – Removes the invoices you selected in the list.

Ikon_26--4.png Attachments – Here you can attach attachments of the standard image and text formats to your invoice. 

Ikon_26--5.png Duplicates – Displays the current duplicate for the selected invoice.

Ikon_26--6.png Wait – Hides the invoice in the list until the next time you log in to the invoice printer.

Ikon_16---Utrop.png You can find more information about the InExchange Invoice printer in our Introduction guide.

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