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  1. FAQs about InExchange Invoice Printer
  2. Troubleshooting the invoice printer
  3. InExchange Invoice Printer
  4. My account
  5. Match your customer register
  6. Transfer your invoices
  7. Select delivery method and recipient
  8. Send E-invoice
  9. PDF-invoice
  10. Paper invoice

Invoice actions

Ikon_26--7.png Action for invoice
In this section of the invoice printer's last step Invoice Check, you can correct reference and reference name. You can also see if the invoice has an attachment attached and if there is any duplicate on the invoice.


Ikon_26--8.png Your reference number – Here you correct or add the customer reference number.

Ikon_26--9.png Your reference name - Here you correct or add the customer's reference name.

Ikon_26--10.png Approve duplicate - Approves duplicate for the selected invoice at the current sending.

When you click Send the invoices will be sent based on the chosen delivery method. 

Ikon_16---Utrop.png You can find more information about the InExchange Invoice printer in our Introduction guide.

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