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  1. Print preview
  2. Update the invoice recipient’s network connection in the invoice printer
  3. How do I install InExchange Invoice Printer?
  4. Can I send a PDF invoice through InExchange?
  5. Can I send paper invoices with InExchange?
  6. What does the invoice look like when it is sent as Paper or PDF?
  7. How do I see if cover page is enabled for my paper invoices?
  8. On which operating systems does the invoice printer work?
  9. Do I need to select the delivery method for a new receiver or is e-invoice selected automatically?
  10. The file that is sent to the invoice printer, what format should it be in?

I have sent an invoice. When will it be delivered?

You can send all of your invoices via InExchange regardless if they will be sent as a letter through Posten, as a PDF-invoice by e-mail or as e-invoices directly to the recipient’s ERP. The time of delivery varies depending on delivery method and contract. Here are some general guidelines:

E-invoices and PDF-invoices that are sent via InExchange are delivered to the recipients the same day or at the latest, the day after. We deliver electronic invoices to recipients on two occasions every day, one time during the morning and one time during the afternoon. If your invoice came in after the time of the previous delivery, it will automatically be in the next one.

Regarding invoice letters sent via Posten the delivery time depends on your contract and when you transferred the invoice to us.

A-mail: 1-2 work days
B-mail: 3-5 work days

When you send an invoice to a new recipient, who you have not invoiced before, we will send a request to approve you as a supplier. That is why the first delivery will take about 1-3 days. When a recipient has accepted your company, your invoices will normally be delivered within a work day.

Please note that we receive receipts on all of our deliveries and we will always contact you if any problems would occur on the way.

Feel free to contact us if you have any further questions or thoughts. 

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