Whether you use our online service or any of our automated solutions, your user information is managed in the same way. If you forgot your password you must, for safety reasons, order new login information from us. Please follow the guide below.
1. Start your browser and go to http://www.inexchange.se and click on the button "Log in" at the top right. If you do not see this, click here to open the page automatically.
2. On the new page, click on the blue text labeled "Having trouble logging in?", see picture below.
3. On the new page, check the option that matches your problem and click on the button “Continue”.
4. Depending on which option you choose, you can either fill out a service request that will be processed by our eminent support the same business day or alternatively, fill in the e-mail address of your account and you will receive an automatic e-mail with your new login information.