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  1. How do I change the delivery method to an e-invoice?
  2. How do I add an attachment?
  3. How do I create a credit note?
  4. How do I change the tax rate?
  5. How do I edit a saved invoice?
  6. Can I copy an invoice?
  7. Where do I change the contact information that is on the invoice?
  8. Can I add invoice period on an invoice?
  9. How do I update my payment information?
  10. How do I change the invoice number?

How do I change the delivery method to an e-invoice?

There are several ways you can change the delivery method of your invoices.

  • Postage optimization - Quickly update your customers you have invoiced via InExchange.
  • Customer Registry - Click Show to open a customer, then Edit at the bottom of the customer card. Select a delivery method under the Invoice settings > Send As.
  • Create Invoice:
    • Option 1: Search for the current customer and press Edit Customer.
    • Option 2: Search for the current customer and press the button showing delivery method: 

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