Log in to access Support as well as help suited to your account


  1. FAQ - Agreements and user licenses
  2. Login and account settings
  3. My user credentials are not working, can you send new ones?
  4. Learn more about... [PEPPOL]
  5. FAQs about our services
  6. How to correct an undelivered invoice
  7. Enter bank account in InExchange Network
  8. Where can I upload a custom logo for my company?
  9. How to add/update a recipient to the network
  10. Can you import my customer registry?

How do I change my user information?

Go to page in InExchange Network: Account\Profile

Regardless if you use our web service or some of our automatized services, your user information will be managed the same way.

  1. If you are already logged in to InExchange Network, you click on your name or company name on the top right of the website. If you have not signed in or cannot find the text, click here and the page will open automatically.
  2. Navigate to the bottom of the page until you find the section marked User information.
  3. Click on the icon Red_ikon.jpg to the right of this section (see picture below), and a box will open for editing.

All the fields below will be editable. Update the information and then click on Save.

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