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  1. Print preview
  2. Update the invoice recipient’s network connection in the invoice printer
  3. How do I install InExchange Invoice Printer?
  4. Can I send a PDF invoice through InExchange?
  5. Can I send paper invoices with InExchange?
  6. What does the invoice look like when it is sent as Paper or PDF?
  7. How do I see if cover page is enabled for my paper invoices?
  8. On which operating systems does the invoice printer work?
  9. Do I need to select the delivery method for a new receiver or is e-invoice selected automatically?
  10. The file that is sent to the invoice printer, what format should it be in?

Do I need to select the delivery method for a new receiver or is e-invoice selected automatically?

The first time you send to a new customer number via InExchange the delivery method Paper will be filled.

If the name of the recipient in the invoice address of your original invoice exactly matches the name of an e-invoice recipient in InExchange Network, we will suggest the method of delivery "e-invoice" instead - the suggestion is shown via an orange mark  to the left of the customer number (point on the icon to read the message). The delivery method Paper is still there until you change it manually to E-invoice. The mark will then become green.

The method of delivery will then be saved in your customer registry at InExchange and you do not need to select delivery method at next invoicing time.

Would you choose delivery method E-invoice but there is a red exclamation mark to the left, then we could not connect the recipient by its name. In these cases, you need to manually search for the name of the company or registration number to the right of the delivery method.

If the recipient cannot receive e-invoices yet and you do not want to send the invoice on paper, you can choose to send it as a PDF invoice by e-mail. Select the delivery method PDF and enter a valid e-mail address of the recipient in the invoice printer. The settings are stored in your customer registry for future invoice mailing.

If you have the possibility to export your customer registry then we could connect those customer numbers to which it can be sent electronically to. This would simplify your work by not having to select the delivery method manually on your existing customers. Use this form to export your registry.

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