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  1. FAQ - Agreements and user licenses
  2. Login and account settings
  3. My user credentials are not working, can you send new ones?
  4. Learn more about... [PEPPOL]
  5. FAQs about our services
  6. How to correct an undelivered invoice
  7. Enter bank account in InExchange Network
  8. Where can I upload a custom logo for my company?
  9. How to add/update a recipient to the network
  10. Can you import my customer registry?

Enter bank account in InExchange Network

Go to page in InExchange Network: Account\Profile

When adding a bank account in InExchange Network, you can specify this in two ways, either by the full name of the bank, or the bank's Swift/BIC code.

Payment details can be found under Account and Profile when you are logged in.

Like this:

Or like this:

If you have not entered a bank account earlier, the fields might not be displayed. You can add this by selecting Add bank account as shown below.

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