Sending customer invoices
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Receiving supplier invoices
User accounts and settings
On the Received invoices page, you’ll find invoices that have been sent to you in the past 18 months. Click on the invoice number in question to view the invoice on screen.
You can receive e-invoices directly in your ERP system and also be able to see the invoices on the Received invoices page.
FAQs about received invoices:
1. Can I have invoiced objects and contractual information on invoices?
If the invoice issuer has correctly provided information on invoiced objects and agreements or contracts on the invoice, you’ll be able to have them on the invoices.
What to do:
1. Go to the Received invoices page.
2. Click Select columns and add the columns for Object and Agreement/Contract if they are not already displayed.
If no details come up in these columns but you know that the information should be on the invoice, you need to check with the invoice issuer that the details have been entered in the right fields.
Where should the information be entered in InExchange services to end up in the right place?
If your supplier creates their invoices in our web-based services, there are designated fields for these details on the Create invoice > Show additional references page. If the invoice is sent via one of our other services, read templates are created for this.
If your supplier uses another e-invoice operator, the details will have to be checked with the operator in question.
Designated fields in a Svefaktura invoice:
Information on invoiced objects and agreements or contracts need to be entered on the invoice as an Additional Document Reference by the issuer. The following codes must be used to ensure the information is read correctly:
Agreements and contracts = CT
Object = ACD
2. Is it possible to see which companies are sending us invoices?
In your supplier registry you can view a list of the companies we have delivered invoices from to your company.
The list shows the companies that have at some stage sent or attempted to send invoices to you using one of our three delivery methods (PDF, e-invoice or paper invoice).
Click Report to output a list in Excel.
3. Can I see which delivery method was used to send the invoice?
What to do:
1. Go to the Received invoices page to see how each invoice was sent.
2. Click Select columns in the top right corner of the list of invoices (see screenshot).
3. Check the box for Delivery.
4. The delivery method will now be displayed in a separate column between Doc. type and Supplier.
4. Can I view the reference names on my received invoices?
Yes, you can view the reference names on the invoices in your list of invoices.
What to do:
1. Go to the Received invoices page and click Select columns.
2. Here you can choose which columns you want to display in your list of invoices. Check the boxes for Ref. no. and Ref. name if you want to view them both.
Now the reference names are shown on the rows where the issuer has entered the information.
You can sort the invoices by reference name if you wish. Click on the header in the column you want to sort the invoices by.
If you click on the invoice number on a row, you’ll also see the reference names in the invoice view, where you can view the entire invoice.
If you use an integrated service with us and have activated reference control on your supplier invoices, you can manage the reference names directly via your login.
Reports on received invoices:
1. Creating reports on your received invoices:
You can create reports on your received invoices.
What to do:
1. Go to the Received invoices page.
2. Here you can filter by invoice number and date, and by specific suppliers.
3. Press Report (once the filtering is complete) to create a report in Excel. The information is presented in different worksheets broken down by year and currency.
2. Report on rejected invoices from suppliers
In the Reports tab (under your account settings) you can order reports on rejected invoices from your suppliers. The report is sent to the email address you are logged in with.
Click on the arrow and select how frequently the reports are sent.
Do you have any questions about scanning invoices? Feel free to contact us >>