Receive e-invoices (pdf)
How do I become an invoice receiver in InExchange network?
Go to page in InExchange Network: Invoices\Received invoices
If you are not yet registered as a invoice receiver, you will only need to confirm your e-mail address to activate this service. This will make it possible for your suppliers to start sending invoices to you through our network. The invoices will be sent in the format PDF through e-mail, but they will also be made accessible to you in InExchange Network during your agreed storage time.
Activate the service
See below, fill in the e-mail address you want to receive your invoices on and click on Activate.
Read more:
Can I change the settings for my invoice receiving service?
How can we receive invoices through our business system?
Can I change the settings for my invoice receiving service?
Go to page in InExchange Network: Account\Settings\Incoming invoices
After registering as an invoice receiver in InExchange Network, you can edit the settings as to where you want the invoices sent and if you want any notifications regarding your receiver service sent to you.
Why do we receive PDF-invoices when the supplier has sent an invoice as an e-invoice?
If a supplier sends an e-invoice to you as recipient but you get an e-mail with a PDF-invoice attached, it is because the e-invoice has been converted into a PDF-invoice. This is because your account with InExchange has a recipient service for PDF activated.
This recipient service does not mean that you can receive e-invoices, but that suppliers can send an e-invoice to you, that is converted to a PDF on the way and sent to the address specified in the activation of the service.
This is because it requires an ERP-system with functionality to manage e-invoices that are connected with InExchange invoice flow for it to work to receive e-invoices immediately.
Do you want to know if your ERP-system can receive e-invoices, you need to contact your system supplier, and then contact your Key Account Manager at InExchange or the support (0500-446360) to discuss a possible connection for receiving e-invoices.
Why do we get PDF invoices to a different e-mail address than the one we entered in the settings?
Go to page in InExchange Network: Account\Settings\Incoming invoices
The address you can enter in the settings for incoming invoices in InExchange Network is used for those invoices that your suppliers send to you as e-invoices.
But for those invoices that your suppliers send to you as PDF invoices, they can enter any e-mail address. If you feel that you receive PDF invoices via e-mail to the wrong address, check with the sender how they send invoices and if they have chosen a specific e-mail address in your customer card, or specifically for the current invoice.
You are welcome to contact InExchange Support if you need help determining which settings apply.