InExchange Web

  • How do I change the delivery method to an e-invoice?

    There are several ways you can change the delivery method of your invoices.

    • Postage optimization - Quickly update your customers you have invoiced via InExchange.
    • Customer Registry - Click Show to open a customer, then Edit at the bottom of the customer card. Select a delivery method under the Invoice settings > Send As.
    • Create Invoice:
      • Option 1: Search for the current customer and press Edit Customer.
      • Option 2: Search for the current customer and press the button showing delivery method: 

  • How do I add an attachment?

    Go to page in InExchange Network: Invoices\Create invoice


    To add an attachment to your invoice you can follow these steps below

    1. Fill out the invoice form as usual.  When you are finished, click Upload a File.
    2. In the new window, locate the attachment on your computer and select it in the list.
    3. Click Open.  The attachment has now been added to your invoice.  




    • The file must be less than 2 MB
    • The format must be .PDF or any image format
    • An unlimited number of attachments can be added, but each individual file must still be less than 2 MB.
      (An exception will be made for invoices delivered to an e-mail address, where the total limit is 10 MB.)


  • How do I create a credit note?

    Create a new credit note

    Go to page in InExchange Network: Invoices\Create invoice


    If you go to Invoices and Create invoice it will automatically become a debet invoice. If you would like to create a new credit note instead, you click on the text Change to credit note.

    Credit an already sent invoice

    Go to page in InExchange Network: Invoices\Sent invoices


    1. Select your already sent invoice and click on the invoice number, as shown in the picture below.


    2. On the new page, click on the button Credit note.



  • How do I change the tax rate?

    Go to page in InExchange Network: Invoices\Create invoice

    1. As usual, start with typing the recipient, invoice number etc.

    2. The invoice lines in the invoice body are given as standard 25% VAT (if no other settings have been done on the account). Click on the arrow as in the picture below to change the VAT rate.

    3. When you have clicked on the picture, you will be presented with a choice, 25%. This means that you can only use 25%. To add a new VAT rate, click on Add new/Edit.

    4. In the new box that is displayed in the middle of the screen, click on Add new as in the picture.

    5. A new line is shown where you can type your own VAT rate, in this example we type 0%.

    (Check Default if you would like that the new VAT rate should be used as default on every new invoice line).

    6. Click on Save to go back to the invoice.

    7. If you click on the arrow again, you can select 0% or 25% VAT.

    8. Repeat the steps again to add additional VAT rates. You can also mix different VAT rates in your invoices. All you have to do is to put in the right VAT in the right invoice line, and we will handle the summation of the tax for you.

  • How do I edit a saved invoice?

    Go to page in InExchange Network: Invoices\Drafts

    If you have started to create an invoice and choose to save it or shut down your browser before you have completed your invoice, it will be saved as a draft. The invoice will be here until you edit it and send it, or remove it. If you have a saved invoice in your outbox, it will be shown by a number to the right of the headline Invoices, representing the number of invoices you have in the outbox.


    1. Click on the invoice number under the headline on the invoice you would like to edit.
    2. Complete the invoice and click on Continue and then, just as usual, Process invoices
  • Can I copy an invoice?

    Go to page in InExchange Network: Invoices\Sent invoices

    Yes, you can easily copy a sent invoice.

    Follow these steps:


    1. Select your already sent invoice and click on the invoice number as in the picture.


    2. On the new page, click on the button Copy as in the picture below.


    3. A new invoice is now created with the exact same content. Make any possible corrections and then click on Continue and Process invoices to send the invoice, just as usual.

  • Where do I change the contact information that is on the invoice?

    Go to page in InExchange Network: Account\Profile

    To edit your contact information that is placed on the invoice go under the headings Company, Payment means and Invoice settings. See the picture below. Click on the paper with the pen, on the bottom right to enter edit mode.




  • Can I add invoice period on an invoice?

    Go to InExchange Network: Invoices\Create invoice

    By clicking Show additional references, you can add a billing period on your invoice if you wish.


    It will be presented on the invoice like this.


  • How do I update my payment information?

    Go to page in InExchange Network: Account\Profile

    Follow the guide below if you would like to change the payment information that is in your invoices. This applies to updating Bankgiro, Plusgiro and information regarding bank account and foreign payments.

    1. Navigate a bit further down until you find the section Payment Means.

    2. Click on the picture with a pen(), every field will now be open for editing.


    3. Change the information by erasing what is wrong and write the new information, then click on the button Save.


    Add an bank account by clicking on Add bank account and entering it as well as which bank you're using. 

    4. The warning shown below will be displayed and inform you that you are changing company sensitive information that must be approved. An e-mail will be sent to you with a link, the changes will not go through if you do not click on the link and accept the changes. 

    Read more

    How do I change our contact information?

  • How do I change the invoice number?

    Go to page in InExchange Network: Account\Profile

    • Scroll down until you get to the Number sequences-section.
    • Click on the little icon with a little pen. All the section's fields will open for editing.

    Here you can switch between automatic and manual number series.

    Manual number series is recommended when InExchange Network is used for feeding in invoice information that's been made in another system.

    Automatic number series is recommended when you want help from InExchange Network with creating unique invoice numbers. You can change prefix, length and start number. Please note that the invoice number that is shown on the Create invoice-page is only temporary (TD-number). The actual invoice number is given when the invoice has been sent. 

  • How do I send an invoice with reverse tax liability?

    To be able to send invoices with reverse tax charge you must first and foremost activate this for your account. When it is activated you can use the function under Create invoice.

    Activate the function on your account

    Go to page in InExchange Network: Account\Profile

    1. Navigate down on the page until you come to the section Extended invoice settings and click on the picture with a pen and paper.

    2. The field will now be unlocked for editing. Check the box marked in the picture below and click on Save.

    Create invoice with reverse tax charge

    Go to page in InExchange Network: Invoices\Create invoice

    The service has now been activated on your account and is avaliable for use. The next time you create an invoice and select a customer, you click on Edit customer and then mark the box for Liable for tax on purchased construction services.

  • Can I send a PDF invoice through InExchange?

    Go to page in InExchange Network: Invoices\Create invoice

    InExchange supports PDF invoicing via e-mail. Please note that when you get requirements from recipients on e-invoicing, they normally mean electronic invoice via file, not a PDF invoice.

    1. Begin with typing the name of a company that does not accept electronic invoices, or the name of a private customer. Click Create a new customer.  

    2. A new customer card appears, start by filling in the company name (or the name of a private individual). Then click on the arrow to the right of Send As and select PDF, select an e-mail address where the invoice is to be delivered and then click Save.  

    3. Continue to fill in the invoice as usual, i.e., invoice number, order number, invoice lines, etc. 

    Tip: If you search for the new customer under Registry you will see the new customer you have just created, and in the column for delivery method it says PDF. If you wish, you can of course change the method of delivery to for example electronic invoice if the recipient would begin to require this at a later time.

  • Can I send a PDF invoice to several e-mail addresses?

    You can send your PDF invoices to several e-mail addresses at one time. You simply enter a comma between each e-mail address (no spaces) and the invoice will be delivered to all e-mail addresses.

    Example that works: (separated by commas without spaces,,

    Examples that do not work: (Separated by commas and spaces/semicolon) , , ; ; 

  • How do I add an OCR number/ more references?

    Go to page in InExchange Network: Invoices\Create invoice

    When you create your invoice, you can add more reference codes or payment instructions by clicking on the text Show additional references below the section for invoice number. See the picture below. 

  • How do I add a discount on an invoice row?

    Go to page in InExchange Network: Invoices\Create invoice

    You can easily add a discount on your invoice row by entering a percentage in the column Discount%. Although the discount is stated as a percentage of your invoice, it will be shown as an amount and a percentage as it is delivered to the recipient. Please note that the discount is only valid for the specified invoice row, not for the entire invoice.


  • How do I send an invoice where the VAT is included?

    According to the e-invoice standard we use in Sweden (Svefaktura) there is unfortunately no support for invoices where the lines' amount has the VAT included. This is mostly because the standard is primarily designed for municipalities and counties. You need to remake your invoices so that all lines are specified excluding VAT.

    You can read more here:

  • Can I fill in a delivery note on the invoice?

    Pathway to InExchange Network: Invoices\Create invoice

    You can fill in one or more delivery notes on the invoice row for your invoice. You can also add an field for standard item, base quantity, delivery date and order number.
    Follow the instructions below to see how you can do this: 

    1. Click on the plus-sign on the invoice row you want to add this information on:

    2. Klicka på knappen Lägg till fält.

    2. Chose Delivery note and then fill in your number in this field. You can also fill in other types of information here. Choose the alternative of your preference. 

    3. Uppgifterna presenteras på fakturan. Så här kan det se ut:

  • Can I add more information on an invoice row?

    Go to page in InExchange Network: Invoices\Create invoice

    In the default view, you will only have access to filling in the information required to create a valid invoice line. However, you have the possibility to enter, among other things, the delivery dates, delivery note numbers and other detailed information directly on the invoice rows.

    1. Start by filling in your invoice as usual, then click on the plus sign to the left of the row:


    2. Then click on the button Add new field as shown below.


    3. Select what kind of information you wish to add and the field Value will be editable.


    4. Fill in the field Value with your information. The information is now saved, and if you click the minus sign instead (where the plus sign was earlier), the detailed information will be minimized. You can add more values ​​by repeating steps 2 through 3.

  • Why have I not received any payment for my sent invoice?

    Go to page in InExchange Network: Invoices\Sent invoices

    When an invoice you have sent shows up in the view Sent invoices, you can count on that the invoice in question is valid and is on its way/delivered to the recipient. When the invoice is delivered to the recipient, the responsibility for the invoice goes to the recipient and it is their job to contact you if they have questions about the invoice.

    If you have sent an invoice that is included in the view Sent invoices on our website, but have not received a payment on the invoice, you must contact the recipient. If you are unsure of the recipient's contact details, you can search for company information by clicking here.

    InExchange also provides services for reminders and debt collection handling and payment matching. Contact us for more information.