
  • Can you change the payment terms for a customer?

    Go to page in InExchange Network: Registry\Customers

    1. Search for the customer in question in Registry > Customers and then click on Show

    2. Click on Edit to edit your customer information.

    3. Below Invoice settings you will find a field called Payment terms

    Click on the arrow to:

    1. Modify an existing value. 
    2. Choose Add new to create a new payment term.

    To save your changes you will need to click on Save


  • Change the e-mail address for PDF invoices on existing customer

    Go to page in InExchange Network: Registry\Customers

    Search for the customer you want to edit. Click on Show and then Edit.

    Go to the section Invoice settings and change the e-mail address on Send to (when PDF). Once the change is complete, press Save

  • How do I change delivery method and recipient on the invoices?

    Go to page in InExchange Network: Registry\Customers

    Users of our integrated services can choose to manage these kind of customer settings in the files you transfer to us, but they can otherwise be managed on the customer cards via Registry in InExchange Network.


    Under Connection to InExchange Network you search for the e-invoice receiver. You can search by name or registration number.


  • Can I export my customer/supplier registry from InExchange Network?

    Go to page in InExchange Network: Registry\Customers, Suppliers

    Yes, in InExchange Network you can create reports that contain information from your customer and supplier registries. The information is exported to an Excel document, which you have the ability to open and save on your computer. 

    How to:

    1. Choose Customers or Suppliers, depending on which registry you want to work with.  

    2. To create a report on your entire registry, simply click on Report.  If you want to search for a specific customer number, customer name, supplier name or company you simply need to type that information into the applicable search sections and click Search (please note that you can search for parts of words using * before or after the word - this search may take a bit longer). After a moment you will see a list that includes the information that you searched for. Then click on the Report-button. 

    3. When you have clicked on Report, the system will begin generating an Excel report with the chosen information. After that is complete, you will get the option to either save or open the file. 

    The files contain the following information:

    Customer Registry Customer number
      Customer name
      Company registration number
      VAT number
      Send as
      E-mail (PDF)
      Connection to InExchange Network
    Supplier Registry Supplier number
      Supplier name
      Company registration number
      VAT number
  • Can I upload my article directory to InExchange?

    Currently, there is no function to save/import your article directory to InExchange Network to use with any of our web-based invoice services. If you already have an ERP, contact us to find out more about our automated services.


    If you manage e-orders through InExchange you will have the possibility to create or import your article directory to InExchange Network. You are welcome to contact us for more information regarding this.