Your network
Extend your network by sending a request
Go to page in InExchange Network: Start\Extend your network
Here is how:
1. Find the company you are searching for by writing their company registration number or their company name in the search box and click Search. Then click on the company name in the list presented below the search box.
2. Now send a request by clicking on either I want to receive or I want to send.
After you have submitted a request and the recipient has approved the relationship, you have a connection – you will now see the symbol for Connected in the table.
Does the recipient have any special requirements for sending e-invoices to them?
Path to InExchange Network: Start\Connect company
You can through InExchange Network control if there are any special requirement that needs to be fulfilled when sending e-invoices to a new receiver.
Here's how you control this:
1. Search for the company by using the company name, their organisationsnumber or their GLN number.(Contact InExchange if you can't find the receiver.)
1. Approval/Send request
Sometimes when sending e-invoices to a new receiver you might have to be approved as a invoice supplier first. In those cases you will have to send a request to the receiver before the first e-invoice.
When looking up the receiver in InExchange Network you will be able to see if they require suppliers to be approved before sending any e-invoices. This is shown in the receiver notes (See the first marked field in the picture below). Click on I want to send to send a request to the recipient in question. (Note that you only have to send a request if Supplier must be approved is marked).
Here you can read more about connecting to new companies.
2. Reference control
If the reciever has activated an control for when suppliers send e-invoices to them the text Has controls will have a marking in the box next to it. You will have to contact the recipient directly to get information about what references or other information that they require on e-invoices that are sent to them.
Observe that if the recipient has a reference control on their incoming invoices you will not be able to send e-invoices without a valid reference. This will be controlled by InExchange when it's sent through our network(If the receiver uses a different invoice operator the reference will be controlled by the receiving operator. You will then be contacted through e-mail if any error occurs).
You cannot send e-invoices to another receiving operator if you are using our InExchange Web Base service. To do this you will need to upgrade your service to either InExchange Web Plus or another of our automated services. Contact InExchange for more information.
How do I change my connection to an existing customer in InExchange Network?
Go to page in InExchange Network: Registry\Customers
In InExchange Network, you can create and modify connections between a customer in your customer directory, and a recipient in the network.
When you enter a company’s name in customer information, normally the name will be completed automatically. If the recipient can be identified by InExchange, this name will be automatically filled out in the box Connected to InExchange Network. If there are several entities attached to one customer registration number it is good to check that the correct entity was filled in.
This is how you change a connection:
- Search for the customer that you want to change settings for and click Show.
- Now, click on Edit, in order to access the settings for this customer. At the bottom of the customer card, you will see the connection to a recipient in the network. In order to change the connection, type either the company name or company registration number (without a hyphen) in the field Company under Connection to InExchange Network. When you begin typing, you will receive suggestions that match your search. Select the appropriate recipient and click Save.
If you cannot find the recipient that you are looking for, please send in the recipients information via the form "Extend my network". Contact the recipient if you don't have all the needed information.
- Search for the customer that you want to change settings for and click Show.
One of my customers requires e-invoices, what do I do?
If you have received a letter that requires you to deliver electronic invoices to an organization, you do not need to let us know. The only thing that you need to is to create and send an invoice via the service that you already have with us, and chose the customer in question.
This works as long as the recipient in question can be identified by InExchnage. In order to check if the recipient is already available, see the guide below.
- Login to InExchange Network with your username and password.
2. Click on the tab ”Start” and then ”Extend your network” on the overview page.
3. Search for the company by using the company name, company registration number, or GLN.
If the company is shown here, then the recipient has a connection with InExchange. If they are not listed, please contact InExchange Support.
Read more:
Does the recipient have any special requirements for sending e-invoices to them?
- Login to InExchange Network with your username and password.
InExchange Postage Optimization
By sending invoices electronically you save on postage costs and at same time you save the environment. The invoice is both delivered and managed faster when sent electronically.
When you send your whole invoice flow through InExchange you will get a savings proposal from our service InExchange Postage Optimization. The savings proposal given is based on the cheapest possible alternative that you can send your invoices to your customer and how many invoices that you've sent in the last 12 months. The savings amount thus reflects the last 12 months of postage costs to the customer.
Read more:
How do I change the mode of delivery through InExchange Postage Optimization?
How do I change the delivery method via InExchange Postage Optimization?
Go to page in InExchange Network: Invoices\Postage optimization
InExchange Postage Optimization helps you to choose the most cost-effective and environmentally friendly way to send your invoices. Saving suggestions are given for each recipient.
1. Here you will see the current savings opportunities. Click on Save (+amount) to change the method of delivery to the recommended method for each recipient. Then, click on Accept at the bottom of the page when you have made your selections. The standard delivery method has now been changed for the chosen recipients.
2. If you see this icon
on any row, move your mouse over the icon in order to get additional information. It is possible that the customer has special requirements for sending e-invoices to them. In that case, contact the recipient according to the instructions that are presented to get more information about, for example, approved invoice references.
This function is not available to customers using our free service, InExchange Web Base. In order to get access to this function, you need to upgrade to InExchange Web Plus or one of our other automated services.
Which companies can receive e-invoices?
Go to page in InExchange Network: Start\Extend your network
If you are unsure if a company can receive or send electronic invoices at the present, we have got a daily updated directory on this, below follows a guide on how to search in the directory.
1. Go to the page Connect Company and type in the company name you'd like to check in the field Search in the network. Click on Search.
2. In this search, we can see that InExchange Factorum AB both receives and sends electronic invoices but does not send or receive orders or price catalogs.
3. To get a detailed explanation on what the symbols under each column mean, see the column to the right on the website or in the picture below.
Connected: You have an active relationship with the company.
Handled by company: The ability to send/receive is there, but you are not using it in the present.Read more:
Extend your network by sending a request