Installation of InExchange Invoice Printer - Part 1
Installing the invoice printer
About InExchange Invoice printer
Get started
- 1 - Installing the invoice printer
- 2 - Transfer invoice examples
- 3 - Review and approve example invoices
Send invoices
InExchange Invoice Printer is a software that becomes a virtual printer on the computer where it's installed. The invoice driver must be installed on the same computer as the ERP-system is installed on.
Installing the invoice printer
1. To install the InExchange Invoice Printer, click here.
Log in with your user information and click on the button Download.Can I install InExchange Invoice Printer on a server?
2. Run the file and follow the on-screen instructions.
You are now ready to send invoices by printing them to InExchange Invoice Printer. If it's the first time you use the application, you'll need to transfer sample invoices through the invoice printer before you can start billing your customers. More about this in the next step.
I'm having trouble with PDF printing to InExchange Invoice Printer
Using an ERP system that makes PDF printouts can mean that you need to make adjustments on the computers that use InExchange Invoice Printer. This is because the invoices go through additional software, usually a pdf-reader, before the printing goes to InExchange Invoice Printer.
Depending on the software, we don’t always get readability in the invoices that are transferred to InExchange Invoice Printer. Below is a suggestion for actions that can be done on the computers and which normally makes the printouts readable.
NOTE! The actions listed below require the user to be an administrator in Windows!
- Install Foxit Reader pdf reader (free version)
Below is more information about the steps required for the solutions.
Disable Google Chrome's built-in PDF reader
The built-in PDF reader in Chrome always makes the printouts to InExchange Invoice Printer lack readability. The built-in PDF reader therefore needs to be disabled if you use Chrome together with your ERP system. Follow the steps below to do this.
Paste chrome://settings/content/pdfDocuments into the address bar of Chrome and go to the page.
Activate the choice to download pdf files instead of opening them in Chrome.
The free version of Foxit Reader is available for download here
Press the 'Free Software' tab and then select 'Free Download' by Foxit Reader.
After installation, you just need to open your PDF with Foxit Reader and print to InExchange Invoice Printer as usual.
NOTE! Have at least version, if you have Foxit then try to make sure you always have the latest version!
About InExchange Invoice printer (Premium)
Get started
- 1 - Installing the invoice printer
- 2 - Transfer invoice examples
- 3 - Review and approve example invoices
Send invoices
By using the InExchange Invoice Printer (Premium) you simplify the handling of your invoices. You choose the virtual printer instead of your normal local printer when printing your invoices, and then transfer the invoices to InExchange. One of our three modes of delivery; electronic invoice, PDF invoice or paper is chosen for the respective receiver. The invoices will then be delivered fast and easy.
You will not need to print your invoices manually anymore, you neither have to fold and envelop your invoices nor have different routines for invoices with different modes of delivery. This means that you can send your whole invoice flow through InExchange by using the same print routine, and you will be able to reach all of your customers through one service.
It's simple to get started:
Install the invoice printer
Transfer invoice examples to InExchange
Review and approve the reading of the invoice examples
You can thereafter immediately start sending invoices to your customers!
Have you already approved your invoice examples?
Then you are welcome to read more about how to work in the invoice printer and use it fully in Part 2 of this guide.Previous Next
Order service
About InExchange Invoice printer
Get started
- 1 - Installing the invoice printer
- 2 - Transfer invoice examples
- 3 - Review and approve example invoices
Send invoices
You can order the service through InExchange Network or by contacting us.
To order the service through InEchange Network, follow the steps below:
- If you haven't already, start by creating an account and upgrade your service through Upgrade > Choose InExchange Invoice Printer > Click on the Upgrade-button. See below.
- You are welcome to contact us if you have any questions or if you want to order our service over the phone. You can contact us on 0500-44 63 60.
Transfer invoice examples
About InExchange Invoice printer
Get started
- 1 - Installing the invoice printer
- 2 - Transfer invoice examples
- 3 - Review and approve example invoices
Send invoices
In order to enable a conversion to an e-invoice, we need to know where the different information has been placed on your invoices. Invoice templates are created so that we can properly load all the information. We therefore ask you to submit examples of how your invoices look.
The following links provide answers to common questions about sample invoices:
Follow these steps to send in your sample invoices:
- Start your ERP and choose the invoices that you want to transfer to us as your sample invoices. You can use old invoices for this without any problem.
- Choose InExchange Invoice Printer when printing the invoice.
- Choose Yes, transfer now in the pop-up window that shows up on your monitor.
- Log in and click on the button Transfer invoice examples.
- Close the program.
Your invoice examples will not be sent to the customer.
We will then create your invoice loading templates from the examples that you have transfered. We will contact you as soon as we're done so that you can review our work. After approving these you can start sending invoices to your customers.
Common Invoice examples
When you send invoice examples to our InExchange Invoice printer, it's good if you send us different types of examples so we can instantly create correct templates for loading different types of data and invoice types.
It is important that you use original invoices and that you use your regular invoice templates. The invoice examples will not be forwarded to the recipient.
Common examples:
- Invoice (single sided and multipage)
- Credit Invoice (single sided and multipage)
- Invoice Copy (ignored by InExchange)
- Invoice with fees and discounts
- Invoice with round-off amounts
- Invoice with different VAT rates
You only need to submit examples of what is applicable and used by you. -
What is an invoice template?
InExchange uses the invoice headline to determine if the invoice should be translated to a debit or credit invoice in our system.
Usually, domestic and foreign invoices use separate templates even though the layout of the invoices is the same.
When InExchange reads your printed invoice and finds the heading Invoice, we translate it into a debit invoice. It's the same when your print your invoice with the heading Credit Invoice or Credit Note, we use the heading to translate the invoice into an electronic credit invoice.Simply this means that we create invoice templates through the description in the invoice heading. If the invoice has anything other than Invoice or Credit Invoice as a heading we will need to create a unique invoice template for this.
Do you use more than one layout on your domestic invoices? See the below example where two Swedish debit invoices are presented.
You will also need a unique invoice template for invoices with different layouts.
Review and approve example invoices
About InExchange Invoice printer
Get started
- 1 - Installing the invoice printer
- 2 - Transfer invoice examples
- 3 - Review and approve example invoices
Send invoices
You'll need to control that we have read the information in the invoice examples correctly before you can start sending invoices to your customers through the InExchange Invoice Printer.
Here's how to review the reading of your sample invoices:
- You review and approve the sample invoices via the link below, and then you can chat with us on questions or concerns that occurs.
Review your invoice examples - A list is now presented to you with the invoices you have transferred to us. Review the invoices in the list and make sure all information has been entered correctly. Click on the invoice number on the left to open the invoice in a new tab in your browser.
Does it look good?
Then you can approve the reading by clicking Accept. All invoices you send to us will be processed and delivered to your customers after you have accepted this.Do you have any questions or does something look wrong?
Please compile the errors you find and contact us via our chat.Note that the layout in the browser does not represent the layout of the invoice when the recipient receives it. An e-invoice lacks its own graphic layout and therefore varies in appearance depending on who receives the invoice.
Can I install InExchange Invoice Printer on a server?
The InExchange Invoice Printer is primarily intended to be installed at the local client where the business system is used. However, it may be installed on a server in those cases where the business system is used frequently on the server as well. The software must be installed where the business system is. Unfortunately, you cannot install the Invoice Printer as a shared printer on a server. Send the information mentioned below to your IT-department or responsible staff.
- At installation
Logged in user must be administrator at installation.
- At use
The user of the program needs to have reading and writing access in one of the following folders:
- C:\Documents and settings\All users\Application Data\InExchange Factorum
Valid for operating systems up to Windows XP/Windows Server 2003 R2 - C:\ProgramData\InExchange Factorum
Valid for operating systems from Windows Vista and later
Furthermore, every logged in user must have an own instance of the process xAgent.exe running. This can be solved through, for instance, the users Autostart-folder. The process is available at C:\Program Files\InExchange Factorum\InExchange Fakturahanterare\Win32
- Communication
InExchange Invoice Printer requires that ports 80 and 443 are open for the application xClient.exe.
- Testing
When the installation is completed, restart the computer and log in as current user and print documents to InExchange Invoice Printer. Thereafter, follow the instructions that are displayed on the screen.
- If problems occur
If you need help with the above, we will take the matter to one of our technicians who will then troubleshoot this for you. Please contact us by phone.
Start invoicing your customers through the invoice printer
About InExchange Invoice printer
Get started
- 1 - Installing the invoice printer
- 2 - Transfer invoice examples
- 3 - Review and approve example invoices
Send invoices
You have now taken the startup steps and can immediately start sending invoices to your customers via InExchange Invoice Printer.
To send your invoices through our printer is simple:
- Print your invoices from your ERP-system to the invoice printer.
- Click on Yes, transfer now in the application.
- Choose the mode of delivery and connect e-invoice receivers to an receiver in our network.
- Add any attachment and press Send.
You can find more information about how to work in the Invoice printer and how to use it to its full capacity in the second part of this guide below.
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