Sending customer invoices
- FAQs about our services
- FAQs about invoices
- - Invoice to a new e-invoice recipient
- - Sent invoices
- E-invoice formats
- Inexchange Postage Optimization
Receiving supplier invoices
User accounts and settings
Here we have brought together answers to the most frequently asked questions to our support department.
User information, login and companies:
1. I’ve forgotten my username or password.
Click Forgotten your password? on the login page and follow the instructions for resetting your password. If you’ve forgotten your username, please contact us via kundservice@inexchange.se.
2. I don’t have a valid user license with Inexchange, how do I get help?
Read more: Who should I turn to for help?
3. How can I change my username and password?
Whether you use our web service or one of our automated services, your user information is handled in the same way.
- Go to the Account > Profile page and scroll down to the User information section.
- Click the icon and edit your information.
- Save your settings
4. Logging out from Inexchange Network
Click the button in the top-right corner where it says Log out.
If you are inactive on our website for more than 60 minutes, you’ll automatically be logged out for security reasons. If several people at your company use the same user account, you’ll also be logged out if someone else logs into the same account.
We recommend having one user account per person.
How to add more users >>
5. How do I register additional companies? (Inexchange Web)
Go to the Account > Profile page and click Add company to register additional companies that you manage.
Enter the company details and click Register.
You can manage all of your registered companies with one user account. Each company has its own information and settings.
6. How do I switch between companies? (Inexchange Web)
If you manage the invoicing for several companies in Inexchange Network, you can switch company by clicking the arrow to the right of the company name at the top right of the page. Then choose the company you want to work with from the list.
If you need to gain access to a company for which you do not currently have authorization, please contact our support department.
Account settings:
1. How do I change our contact information?
Go to the Account > Profile page to change your contact information.
The emails we send are intended for several different roles. The roles available vary depending on the service. If no specific roles have been set up, all emails are sent to the email address provided under General contact.
Use the icons to the right of each header to add, edit or delete information.
2. How do I change the language settings in my account?
There are several ways to change the language settings in your account.
1. Below the login box before logging in:
2. Using keyboard combinations after logging in:
- Swedish: Ctrl + Shift + 1
- English: Ctrl + Shift + 2
- Icelandic: Ctrl + Shift + 3
- Finnish: Ctrl + Shift + 4
- Danish: Ctrl + Shift + 5
3. On the Account > Profile page in the User information section.
Click the icon in the lower right corner of the section to edit and select a language.
3. Where do I provide information about payment means and our bank account?
Go to the Account > Profile page in Inexchange Network and click the icon in the Payment means section to edit and enter payment information.
You can specify a bank in two ways
By entering the bank’s full name:
Or by entering its BIC:
If you don’t already have a bank account entered, this field may not be displayed. Click Add bank account to bring up the field for bank information.
When sensitive company information is changed, a notification is sent to the email address registered for the company. The change is implemented once it has been approved via the link in the message.
Logos are not supported in electronic invoices, but you can upload a logo that is displayed when anyone searches for your company in our network.
Uploading a logo
1. Go to the Account > Profile page and click the icon to the right of your company name (see screenshot below).
2. Locate the image file and click Open. The logo is now linked to your company.
Things to consider when uploading your logo:
- The file format must be .jpg, .gif or .png.
- The size of the image must be 280 x 90 pixels (width x height). If the logo is not in one of these formats, the size will automatically be adapted.
Invoice processing and reports:
1. A new customer has written to me wanting e-invoices. How can I set this up?
Read more: Sending e-invoices to a new customer
2. The recipient has not received our invoice, has it been sent/delivered?
Read more: Where can I find my sent invoices?
3. How can I simplify my invoicing and send more e-invoices?
Read more: Postage Optimization
4. Can I order monthly reports on our invoice flow?
Go to the Account > Settings page and the Reports tab to order reports on your invoice flow.
Check the Send monthly reports box and save your new settings.
The report contains information on sent and received invoices and delivery method, etc.
There is no extra charge for the reports.
Read more:
Report on rejected supplier invoices
Format and system requirements:
1. What is PEPPOL and can Inexchange handle it?
PEPPOL is a framework for formats and the transmission of electronic business documents within and across EU borders.
Inexchange fully supports PEPPOL.
Read more: Q&As about PEPPOL
Unable to find the answer to your question?
How to contact our support department >>