General information
Invoice to a new e-invoice recipient
Sending customer invoices
- FAQs about our services
- FAQs about invoices
- - Invoice to a new e-invoice recipient
- - Sent invoices
- E-invoice formats
- InExchange Postage Optimization
Receiving supplier invoices
User accounts and settings
Here we have brought together answers to the most frequently asked questions about network relationships together with tips on how to send an invoice to a new invoice recipient or what to do if you want to start sending e-invoices to an existing recipient.
If your customer is unable to receive e-invoices, you can send a PDF or paper invoice.
Finding e-invoice recipients and checking invoice requirements
In order to send an e-invoice, the recipient must be registered in our network. You can add recipient if they are not already registered.
1. How do I check whether the recipient is in the network?
In order to send an e-invoice, the recipient must be registered in our network. When you look up a company, you’ll also see what types of electronic documents they can handle and if they have any e-invoice requirements.
How to search in the network:
1. Go to the Extend your network page and look up the company in question.
Unable to find the recipient? How to add a new recipient to the network >>2. In this search we see that InExchange Factorum AB both accepts and sends electronic invoices, but does not send or receive orders or price catalogs.
3. For a detailed explanation of what the symbols under each column mean, see the column to the right on the website or the screenshot below.
Explanation of symbols:
2. How do I know if the recipient has any specific e-invoice requirements?
In InExchange Network, you can check whether anything specific is required when you start sending e-invoices to a recipient.
What to do:
1. Search for the company on the Extend your network page and click on the company name in the results list to find out more.
Unable to find the recipient? How to register a new recipient in the network >>Supplier must be approved
When you start sending e-invoices to a recipient, your company may first need to be approved as a supplier (of e-invoices). If so, the Supplier must be approved box will be checked in the Company information, see screenshot below.
If required by the recipient, the first e-invoice you send to a recipient will be accompanied by a request to be approved as a supplier. In such cases it may be a few days before the first e-invoice can be delivered as your network relationship must be approved first.
It’s also possible to send a request before sending the first e-invoice >>
Has controls
If the recipient has activated controls for e-invoices, this is shown by a check in the Has controls box, see screenshot above. Contact the recipient for information on any references or other information it requires on the invoices it receives. It’s important that reference details are provided exactly as instructed for the invoice to be valid.
You can send all recipients e-invoices via us. Use the recipient’s GLN (which should be in the customer’s letter) to find the right recipient.
Who can I send e-invoices to using InExchange Web Base? >>
Useful info:
- The e-invoice recipient must be registered in our network.
You can search for the recipient in the service you use with us or on the Extend your network page to see whether they’re registered in our network.
If you can’t find the recipient, registering them is easy >> - The correct reference must be stated on the invoice.
If your customer uses a reference control, the correct reference must be stated on the invoice. The details are received by the invoice recipient. - Approval of supplier.
If the recipient requires an approved network relationship between your companies before e-invoices can be delivered, a request for approval is sent in connection with your first invoice to the recipient. In such a case, it may take a few extra days for the first invoice to arrive. - Changing the delivery method for an existing invoice recipient.
If you have previously sent a recipient PDF or paper invoices via us and you now want to start sending e-invoices, change the delivery method on the customer card in your customer registry, directly in the service you use with us or in the invoice files you send to us.
If you have chosen to use our automatic postage optimization (available to those who use InExchange integrated services), the delivery method will automatically be changed to e-invoice when the recipient is recognized in our service as an e-invoice recipient.
What if you don’t yet have a service for sending e-invoices?
We can help you get started with your e-invoicing >>4. My customer receives e-invoices but I can’t find them in the network. What should I do?
See the instructions for how to add a new e-invoice recipient to the network >>
Information about the recipient needed for registration:
- Company name
- Registration number
- Operator
- Email address of recipient
Please contact the recipient if you don’t have all of the details required for registration.
5. My customer doesn’t receive e-invoices, what can I do?
If your customer doesn’t yet receive e-invoices, you can send your invoice as a PDF or paper invoice (paper invoices require InExchange Web Plus as a minimum).
This is what it looks like if the company is in the network but can’t receive e-invoices:
You’ll be notified if you’ve attempted to send an e-invoice to a recipient that cannot receive invoices electronically, or if they’re not yet part of our network. Then you can choose to resend the invoice using another delivery method.
What if your customer doesn’t yet have a service for receiving e-invoices?
Our website has further information on our services >>
Relationships and requests in the network1. How to send a manual relationship request
Some invoice recipients require suppliers to be approved for e-invoices before invoices can start being sent to them electronically. In this case, a request for approval is sent along with the first e-invoice. However, you can choose to send a request in advance instead.
How to send a request in the network:
1. Go to the Extend your network page and look up the company in question. Then click on the company name in the results list presented below the search box.
2. Now send a request by clicking I want to send.
Once you have sent a request and the recipient has approved the relationship, you are connected in the network. This relationship is marked Connected in the table. You can now send the recipient your e-invoice.
2. My relationship request was rejected, what do I do now?
To get your invoice sent you can choose to send it as a PDF or paper invoice via us (paper invoices require InExchange Web Plus as a minimum), but if your relationship request is rejected, we recommend that you phone the recipient to clear up any queries. Then you can send a new request as agreed.
3. Where can I see what relationships we have in the network?
The Connections page shows you what relationships your company has in the network.
Other questions and answers:1. I’ve received a message that something’s gone wrong. What should I do now?
If there’s a link to our help center in the error message, you can click on the link to get instructions about what to do to send your invoice. You can also contact our support team for help.
Here are some explanations of errors that can crop up along with instructions on what to do >>
2. Who can I send e-invoices to using InExchange Web Base?
You can check via your login on our website whether or not you can send e-invoices to a specific recipient via our free InExchange Web Base service.
If you see Add service to send when you look up the customer on the Extend your network page, then you will need to upgrade your service before you can send an e-invoice to this specific recipient.
You must have a user account with us to follow the above instructions.
Create account | Log in
Unable to find the answer to your question? Feel free to contact us. -
What is a GLN number and how do I use it?
Go to page in InExchange Network: Account\Profile
GLN stands for Global Location Number and is used in a 13-digit number string to identify companies or sites within a company. GLN may also be called a location code. This information is used to know exactly where your invoice will be delivered.
When sending e-invoices to you, some suppliers may contact you and ask for your GLN number. This is because other e-invoice operators may demand their client to provide with this information. Scroll down to the section Company to see your GLN number.
Search for other companies GLN number
Pathway to InExchange Network Start/Connect company
Go to Connect company and write the name of the company that you're looking for and then click on the company name.
You can find the GLN in the section Company information
FAQs about invoices
Sending customer invoices
- FAQs about our services
- FAQs about invoices
- - Invoice to a new e-invoice recipient
- - Sent invoices
- E-invoice formats
- InExchange Postage Optimization
Receiving supplier invoices
User accounts and settings
You can send all of your invoices via us, be they e-invoices, PDFs or paper invoices. Choose between our web-based services, a virtual invoice printer – used together with your ERP system – and integrated services.
Find out more about our services on our website:
FAQs and answers:
GLN stands for Global Location Number and is a unique global identifier for a company or department of a company. This information is used to identify exactly where each e-invoice needs to be delivered.
How to obtain your company’s GLN
Suppliers may ask you for your GLN when they want to send you an e-invoice. Go to the Account > Profile page and scroll down to the Company section to see your company’s GLN.
Look up other companies’ GLN
Go to Connect company and enter the name of the company you’re looking for and click on the company name. You can also use a GLN, if you have it, in a search to find other information about a company.
A company’s GLN and other information can be found in the Company information section.
2. What do BIC/SWIFT and IBAN mean?
When sending invoices abroad, you’ll need to add payment instructions to enable international payments. Where necessary, add the following information to your invoices.
BIC/SWIFT: An identifier for your bank.
IBAN: Your account number for international payments.Some banks provide an account number instead of an IBAN. The account number is called the BBAN, and of course that works equally well. In that case, enter the bank’s full name in the field for BIC/SWIFT.
If you use our web-based services to send invoices, the information found at Account > Payment means is stated.
3. Why is there no hyphen in some of our details on the invoice?
The majority of e-invoices we send follow the Svefaktura invoice standard. This format requires that information such as phone numbers, fax numbers, company registration numbers, bank giro and plus giro account numbers, etc. are written in numeric characters only. Any hyphens in these numbers are removed.
4. Why isn’t the sum total in my credit note negative?
The majority of e-invoices we send follow the Svefaktura invoice standard. This format requires the sum total for each invoice and credit note to be positive.
If you try to send an invoice with a negative sum total, what we’ll probably do is help you to convert the invoice into a positive total as this is how the information is managed.
If you would like further information on this, feel free to contact our support team.
Invoice templates and printouts of paper invoices:1. What does an InExchange standard template look like when printed out or delivered as a PDF?
When an invoice is sent as a letter or PDF, it is sent in the original layout where possible. If your invoice layout cannot be customized for printing, a cover page can be used for the address information, alternatively use our standard template.
Below is an example of what the standard template looks like. You can add your own logo, in color if you wish, to the template. There is also support for a number of different languages and OCR slips, etc.
Please contact our support team for help with customization.
2. Can joint enveloping be used for our invoices via you?
Yes, several invoices can be sent to a single recipient in the same envelope if you send the invoices to us in the same batch or in consecutive batches. It usually costs less and it’s better for the environment.
Joint enveloping of invoices is managed through the customer number and is a smart solution for companies that use a unique customer number for each invoice recipient. This setting applies to all of the company’s invoicing, which means we carry out joint enveloping for all of your customers if you have chosen to activate this service. Please contact us for further information.
A one-off cost, equivalent to one hour of work, is charged for setting up the service. If you would like to activate this service for more companies, the cost is charged per issuing organization.
3. Can I send paper invoices in color?
Yes, paper invoices can be printed in color. If you want to do this, use our invoice template for print-outs. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about color print-outs or to order the service.
Once the service has been activated, you can also print attachments in color. If you are using an integrated service, the attachment can be added when transmitting the invoice and it can be printed in color. Alternatively if you’re using InExchange Invoice Printer, the attachment can be printed in color if it’s manually added in the invoice printer stage Invoice control.
This service is as per quote.
Information on recipients with specific invoice requirements >>Unable to find the answer to your question or interested in finding out more?
You can build on your service with, for example, InExchange Reminder & Debt Collection or InExchange Spend Analysis. Feel free to contact us and we’ll tell you more. -
Sent invoices
Sending customer invoices
- FAQs about our services
- FAQs about invoices
- - Invoice to a new e-invoice recipient
- - Sent invoices
- E-invoice formats
- InExchange Postage Optimization
Receiving supplier invoices
User accounts and settings
No matter which of our services you use to send invoices, you can find your sent invoices from the past 18 months under the menu option Invoices > Sent invoices.
By clicking on an invoice number in this view, you can choose from several options such as resend invoice, print, create a new invoice based on the invoice in question, or credit it. If attachments were sent with the invoice, you can view them via the Attachments button.
FAQs and answers:
1. How long are my sent invoices saved for?
Invoices are saved for 18 months.
2. How can I see which delivery method was used for the invoice?
To see how an invoice was sent to the recipient, you need to have the Delivery column visible in the list of invoices on the Sent invoices page.
To add (or remove) columns:
- Click Select columns in the top right corner of the list of invoices (see screenshot below).
- Check the box for Delivery if it isn’t checked.
- The delivery method will now be displayed in a separate column.
3. Can I send an attachment when I resend an invoice?
Yes, you can send attachments when you resend invoices.
What to do:
- Go to the Sent invoices page and click the invoice number of the invoice you want to resend.
- Click Resend in the invoice view.
- A box is displayed where you can change the settings for the invoice. You can switch delivery method and correct or add information if necessary. Click Add attachment or drag and drop the file into the applicable field to send an attachment along with the invoice.
- Click Resend.
4. What address did we send the PDF invoice to?
Find the invoice in question on the Sent invoices page and click on the invoice number to view further information and functions.
Below the invoice details, you’ll find information on which email address the invoice was sent to.
5. Can I re-sort my sent invoices?
Your invoices can be sorted by customer name, invoice number or due date, for example. Click on the header in the relevant column to change the order.
Click Select columns to add or remove columns from the list.
Alternatively, you can search for invoices from a certain time period. Use the search fields and filter functions at the top of the page and click Report. You can now re-sort the information in the Excel document created.
6. Can a sent invoice be deleted or cancelled?
We always do our utmost to ensure that your invoices are delivered in a fast, seamless and dependable way. As soon as you click Send, the invoices are put in a line and sent from us as soon as possible. This means we are unable to delete invoices after they have been sent.
If necessary, however, you can credit an incorrect invoice via your service with us.
7. Can I create reports on our sent invoices?
Yes, on the Sent invoices page you can easily create Excel reports on the invoices you’ve sent in the past 18 months.
How to create a report:
- Start by choosing which period the report should cover. Use the search fields and filter functions at the top of the page. For example, if you want to produce a report on invoices sent using a particular delivery method, you can filter for this under Delivery method.
- You can choose what to base your search on using the small arrow to the right of Invoice no..
- Click Select columns to choose which information to include in the report. Bear in mind that the box for Delivery must be checked if you want to include the delivery method.
- Click Report.
After a while, you’ll be able to download an Excel file with your chosen information.
8. How do I save my invoices for my accounting records?
Invoices are sent from the invoice issuer to the recipient via InExchange invoice exchange. In other words, we make sure that the invoice goes from A to B. You can access your invoices via your login on our website for 18 months from the date the invoice is sent.
Companies that create their invoices in invoicing software or an ERP system
If you create your invoices in invoicing software, they are usually recorded in an ERP system. You can access the original invoices in your software and, as a rule, you can save them in an electronic format. Obviously you can also print them out from your accounting software.
Contact the supplier of your ERP system if you have any questions about how the service is used.
Companies that create their invoices in our web-based services
If you create your invoices (the original invoices) in our web-based services, you can choose to Download the invoice as a PDF and/or print out a paper copy when you send it. You can then use the invoices as documents for your accounting records.
Printing out copies of invoices and downloading invoices as PDFs retrospectively
Whichever of our services you use to send invoices, you can always find the invoices you’ve sent in the past 18 months under Invoices > Sent invoices via your login on our website. You can print copies of the invoices in this view by clicking on the invoice number in question and then pressing Print. The invoice can then be saved as a PDF.
9. External status of invoices (status at the invoice recipient)
On the Sent invoices page, you can choose to display the External status column. As a supplier, here you can check the status the recipient has assigned your invoices. The information is imported from the invoice recipient’s system.
Note! Bear in mind that this information is only displayed if the recipient has activated this function.
If your invoice recipient has activated this function, you can view the status as follows:
- Click Select columns > External status to add the status column to the view (if it is not already displayed).
- Search for the invoice in question and check the status if necessary. If the field is empty, we haven’t yet received any information on the invoice from the recipient. In this case, contact the recipient if you have any questions.
- If you click on an invoice (on the invoice number) with a status notification, you’ll bring up a summary of the invoice and when the information was updated (see this at the bottom of the page). External information in the Username column means that the information was imported from the recipient’s system.
If you have any questions about the status, please contact the invoice recipient for further information.
As a recipient of e-invoices, would you like us to send the status of received invoices to your suppliers? You need to have an integrated API solution for us to be able to do this. Feel free to contact us if you’re interested in this feature and we’ll tell you more.
On the Sent invoices page, the Sent column shows the date the invoices were sent from us. Invoices from us are based on the date the invoices were delivered to the recipient.
This is to stop you from being charged for invoices that couldn’t be delivered for some reason.
Unable to find the answer to your question?
Feel free to contact us >> -
E-invoice formats
Sending customer invoices
- FAQs about our services
- FAQs about invoices
- - Invoice to a new e-invoice recipient
- - Sent invoices
- E-invoice formats
- InExchange Postage Optimization
Receiving supplier invoices
User accounts and settings
The most common e-invoice format in Sweden is Svefaktura. There is also PEPPOL BIS Billing 3.0, for example, which is used internationally within the EU but can also be used domestically. PEPPOL BIS Billing 3.0 is an increasingly common e-invoice format, partly because by law all public authorities in Sweden must be connected to PEPPOL and be able to receive e-invoices in that format.
We automatically convert invoice formats for our customers and if anything needs adjusting on your invoice (so that it can be delivered in the format the recipient can manage), we’ll contact you.
You can read more:
- On the SFTI website.
- About PEPPOL in FAQs and answers about PEPPOL. -
InExchange Postage Optimization
Sending customer invoices
- FAQs about our services
- FAQs about invoices
- - Invoice to a new e-invoice recipient
- - Sent invoices
- E-invoice formats
- InExchange Postage Optimization
Receiving supplier invoices
User accounts and settings
When you send your entire invoice flow (e-invoices, PDF and paper invoices) via us, we can match your invoice recipients to e-invoice recipients in our network and help you choose the least expensive and most environmentally friendly way of sending your invoices. This isn’t anything you need to keep track of yourself, you’ll receive suggestions as part of the InExchange Postage Optimization service.
See which of your customers you can already start sending e-invoices to today! >>
More and more of your customers accept e-invoices. Make use of our growing network and capitalize on the benefits of e-invoices. Sending invoices electronically reduces your postage costs and the invoice arrives and can be processed more quickly. We help you choose e-invoices.
FAQs about InExchange Postage Optimization:
1. How does postage optimization work?
When you send all of your invoices via us, we can make savings suggestions for you.
The suggestions are based on:
The least expensive way you can send your invoices to each invoice recipient and how many invoices you’ve sent to the recipient in the past 12 months.
2. How do I switch delivery method via postage optimization?
Savings suggestions are given for each recipient on the Invoices > Postage optimization page.
- Click Save (+amount) or Switch to change the delivery method for each invoice recipient, and then click Accept at the bottom of the page.
- If you see this
icon on any row, you can move your mouse over the icon for further information on special e-invoice requirements the recipient may have. You should then contact the recipient to obtain the necessary details.
Further information:
- You can also access our automatic postage optimization via our integrated services.
- If you use our free InExchange Web Base service, you’ll need to upgrade your service to be able to send paper invoices and to access InExchange Postage Optimization.Want to find out more? Feel free to contact us >>
Joint enveloping
InExchange offers joint enveloping for your paper invoices. If you are planning to send several invoices to the same customer at the same time, we are able to send them in the same envelope. This alternative is both cheaper and more environment friendly.
Jointed enveloping is handled through using the customer number specified on the invoice, and is a flexible solution for when you are using a unique customer number for different invoice recipients. This setting applies to the whole company and is activated for all of your customers when the service is activated.
For more information regarding this you can contact us either by phone +46 (0)500 44 63 60 or by e-mail at
What do BIC/SWIFT and IBAN mean?
When an invoice is sent overseas you will need to complement your invoices with payment instructions that make it possible for a foreign payment. It means that in these cases it is not enough with Bankgiro or Plusgiro, but you would have to complement the invoices with an IBAN + BIC/SWIFT and/or the name of the bank and account number.
BIC/SWIFT: An identifier for your bank.
IBAN: Your account number for foreign payment.
Please note that some banks release an account number instead of an IBAN number, this is called "BBAN", which works just as well. BIC/SWIFT is then set to the bank’s full name.
What does InExchange default template look like at printout or PDF-delivery?
When an invoice is sent by mail or PDF, it is sent in its original form if possible.
If your invoice layout cannot be customized to printing, it is possible to activate a cover page for address information instead, or use InExchange default template. Below is an example of what the default template looks like.It is possible to add your own logo, even a colored one, to the default template. You can also choose between several different languages, OCR-slips, etc.
Contact our support to get help with the adjustments.