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Learn more about how to administrate your account- and user information as well as how to configure your services.

Contact us

See all articles
Contact Inexchange Factorum AB
  1. Contact InExchange

    1. Contact information and Opening hours
    2. Who do I turn to for help?
  2. Support

    1. How to create a support case
    2. View your case history
    3. How to update an ongoing support case
    4. How to correct an undelivered invoice
    5. How to add a new recipient to the network



+46 (0) 500 44 63 60

Our opening hours
Switchboard: Every weekday except holidays 8am - 12pm and 1pm - 5pm CET. 
Support: Every weekday except holidays 9am - 12pm and 1pm - 4pm CET.

Sales: +46 (0) 500 44 63 60 (tone 1)
Support: +46 (0) 500 44 63 60 (tone 2)
Switchboard/Customer service: +46 (0) 500 44 63 60 (tone 3 or hold) 


To contact support you need to be a customer at Inexchange >> 

Information about our services:  info@inexchange.se


Logged in users can contact us through chat on our website and our services. 
The chat is open every weekday except holidays: 8am - 11.45am and 1pm - 4.45pm CET. 


Inexchange Factorum AB
Kaplansgatan 16 E
Box 133
541 34 Skövde, Sweden

Follow us


Create a support case
  1. Contact InExchange

    1. Contact information and opening hours
    2. Who do I turn to for help?
  2. Support

    1. How to create a support case
    2. View your case history
    3. How to update an ongoing support case
    4. How to correct an undelivered invoice
    5. How to add a new recipient to the network

As of October 2018 you will need a valid user license to create a support case. If you have questions regarding this, please contact our Customer Service +46 500 44 63 60 (tone 3).

Instructions to create a case:

1. Sign in to InExchange Help Center.

2. Click on Submit a request. Select the category best suited for your case and fill in the form.


After you have submitted a request, a confirmation email will be sent to you with your request id. 

View your case history
  1. Contact InExchange

    1. Contact information and opening hours
    2. Who do I turn to for help?
  2. Support

    1. How to create a support case
    2. View your case history
    3. How to update an ongoing support case
    4. How to correct an undelivered invoice
    5. How to add a new recipient to the network

As of October 2018 you will need a valid user license to create a support case. If you have questions regarding this, please contact our Customer Service +46 500 44 63 60 (tone 3).

Instructions to retrieve case history:

1. Sign in to InExchange Help Center.


 2. Click on My activities in the menu to see ongoing and solved cases.


My requests - cases you've created.
Requests I'm CC'd on - cases others have created but you've been copied on.


Tip! You can sort your requests on status as shown in the picture above. 

How to update an ongoing support case
  1. Contact InExchange

    1. Contact information and opening hours
    2. Who do I turn to for help?
  2. Support

    1. How to create a support case
    2. View your case history
    3. How to update an ongoing support case
    4. How to correct an undelivered invoice
    5. How to add a new recipient to the network

As of October 2018 you will need a valid user license to create a support case. If you have questions regarding this, please contact our Customer Service +46 500 44 63 60 (tone 3).

Instructions to retrieve case history:

1. Sign in to InExchange Help Center.


 2. Click on My activities in the menu to see ongoing and solved cases.


My requests - cases you've created.
Requests I'm CC'd on - cases others have created but you've been copied on.


Cases can be sorted on status and you can search for requests in the search field.

3. Click on the case that should be updated.

4. Update the case with more information in the text field or upload files if needed. You can mark the case as solved if you no longer need help with it.


5. Click on Submit when you're done.

Solved cases are closed for comments but if you need to contact the support on the case after it has been marked as solved, you can create a follow-up via the link in the closed case. 

Who do I turn to for help with my case?
  1. Contact InExchange

    1. Contact information and opening hours
    2. Who do I turn to for help?
  2. Support

    1. How to create a support case
    2. View your case history
    3. How to update an ongoing support case
    4. How to correct an undelivered invoice
    5. How to add a new recipient to the network

We at InExchange strive to offer you as a customer, the market’s best support experience. To get the most out of our services and access to personal support, you need a valid user license. If you do not have one, do one of the following:

I’m a paying customer

Paying customer with a valid user license

Log in and create a case with the user name and password you've received from us by email.

In case of any problems, contact InExchange Customer Service at:

Paying customer with a free user

Ask a colleague with a valid user license to order a license for you. Thereafter, you can log in and create your case.

I'm a customer with free service

Go to www.inexchange.com or call one of our sellers at +46 500 44 63 60 (tone 1) and upgrade your service. Log out and in again when the upgrade is done, and you can now create your case.

I want to become a customer at InExchange

Go to www.inexchange.com or call one of our sellers at +46 500 44 63 60 (tone 1) and order one of our services.

I’m a customer at a different operator/invoice transmission

    • Contact your operator for help.

I’m an operator

In case of any problems, contact InExchange Customer Service at:

New telephone hours for support


As of 08/10 2018, our support will have changed phone hours.
We do this because that we can see a more efficient handling of cases that come in through our questionnaire and chat function placed in our help center, and can thus maintain high quality of our service to you who are our customers. 

Phone support will be open between 09-12, and 13-16(swedish time) all holiday free weekdays. Our switchboard and chat support is open as usual between 08-12, 13-17 all holiday free weekdays.

The second Thursday each month our switchboard and telephone support will be closed for training between 15-17 sweidsh time. 

How to create a support case to InExchange

InExchange Help center»

FAQ - Agreements and user licenses
  1. Sending customer invoices

    1. FAQs about our services
    2. FAQs about invoices
    3. - Invoice to a new e-invoice recipient
    4. - Sent invoices
    5. E-invoice formats
    6. Inexchange Postage Optimization
  2. Receiving supplier invoices

    1. Receive invoice
    2. - E-invoice by file (integrated service)
  3. User accounts and settings

    1. Agreements and user licenses
    2. Login and account settings
    3. Contact us

Here we have gathered information about agreements and user licenses.

How can I add, change or delete a user?

User management is handled via our contact form in our help center. The order has to be made by an authorized user on the company. 

If a new user account has been created, the user credentials will be sent to the new user by e-mail. 

Inexchange Free includes one (1) user license. You need to upgrade your service to Basic in order to be able to add users. 

How do I cancel my contract?

Inexchange Free

If you have our free web service you do not need to cancel your account. If you do not have any use for the account anymore,  you can just let it be. If the company has gone into bankruptcy or liquidation you can contact us at kundservice@inexchange.se and we will remove it for you.

Our other services

Your contract with Inexchange is invoiced monthly. With 3 months' binding period

Please note that if you send your cancelation by e-mail, make sure that you receive a response from us in which we confirm that the agreement is terminated. If you have not heard anything within two (2) working days, we recommend you to call us.

How do I update the company information?

Go to page Account > Profile to change your company details shown in the network.  

How do I upgrade my service?

You can upgrade your service on the Upgrade-page in Inexchange Network or by contacting us.

If you are interested in getting an integrated service, please contact us.

Why do I get a notification saying that my registration number already exists?

Inexchange collaborates with several suppliers in the market. Some of these have their systems connected to Inexchange to automatically send invoices directly in the system.

What then happens is that we get information from the system supplier that you are using a system that has such an option, these solutions can unfortunately not be combined but you must choose which solution you want to use.

Our recommendation is that you contact the system supplier and discuss the service you already have to send e-invoices. If you continue with this service you save to do double the work with first registrating the invoices in your system and then register invoices in our portal.

If you still want to use the services directly via Inexchange please contact our support and we will help you with this.

Can´t find the answer to your question?
If you´re wondering about something and can´t find the answer to your question here in our help center, you´re welcome to contact us at kundservice@inexchange.se or at +46 (0)500 - 44 63 60.  

Login and account settings
  1. Sending customer invoices

    1. FAQs about our services
    2. FAQs about invoices
    3. - Invoice to a new e-invoice recipient
    4. - Sent invoices
    5. E-invoice formats
    6. Inexchange Postage Optimization
  2. Receiving supplier invoices

    1. Receive invoice
    2. - E-invoice by file (integrated service)
  3. User accounts and settings

    1. Agreements and licenses
    2. Login and account settings
    3. Contact us

Here we have brought together answers to the most frequently asked questions to our support department.

User information, login and companies:

1. I’ve forgotten my username or password.

Click Forgotten your password? on the login page and follow the instructions for resetting your password. If you’ve forgotten your username, please contact us via kundservice@inexchange.se.

2. I don’t have a valid user license with Inexchange, how do I get help?

3. How can I change my username and password?

Whether you use our web service or one of our automated services, your user information is handled in the same way.

  1. Go to the Account > Profile page and scroll down to the User information section.
  2. Click the Red_ikon.jpg icon and edit your information.
  3. Save your settings


4. Logging out from Inexchange Network

Click the button in the top-right corner where it says Log out.

If you are inactive on our website for more than 60 minutes, you’ll automatically be logged out for security reasons. If several people at your company use the same user account, you’ll also be logged out if someone else logs into the same account.

We recommend having one user account per person.
How to add more users >>

5. How do I register additional companies? (Inexchange Web)

Go to the Account > Profile page and click Add company to register additional companies that you manage.


Enter the company details and click Register.

You can manage all of your registered companies with one user account. Each company has its own information and settings.

6. How do I switch between companies? (Inexchange Web)

If you manage the invoicing for several companies in Inexchange Network, you can switch company by clicking the arrow to the right of the company name at the top right of the page. Then choose the company you want to work with from the list.


If you need to gain access to a company for which you do not currently have authorization, please contact our support department.

Account settings:

1. How do I change our contact information?

Go to the Account > Profile page to change your contact information.

The emails we send are intended for several different roles. The roles available vary depending on the service. If no specific roles have been set up, all emails are sent to the email address provided under General contact.

Use the icons to the right of each header to add, edit or delete information.


2. How do I change the language settings in my account?

There are several ways to change the language settings in your account.

1. Below the login box before logging in:


2. Using keyboard combinations after logging in:

  • Swedish: Ctrl + Shift + 1
  • English: Ctrl + Shift + 2
  • Icelandic: Ctrl + Shift + 3
  • Finnish: Ctrl + Shift + 4
  • Danish: Ctrl + Shift + 5

3. On the Account > Profile page in the User information section.

Click the penna.jpg icon in the lower right corner of the section to edit and select a language.


3. Where do I provide information about payment means and our bank account?

Go to the Account > Profile page in Inexchange Network and click the penna.jpg icon in the Payment means section to edit and enter payment information.

You can specify a bank in two ways

By entering the bank’s full name:


Or by entering its BIC:


If you don’t already have a bank account entered, this field may not be displayed. Click Add bank account to bring up the field for bank information.


When sensitive company information is changed, a notification is sent to the email address registered for the company. The change is implemented once it has been approved via the link in the message.

4. Uploading the company logo

Logos are not supported in electronic invoices, but you can upload a logo that is displayed when anyone searches for your company in our network.

Uploading a logo

1. Go to the Account > Profile page and click the penna.jpg icon to the right of your company name (see screenshot below).

2. Locate the image file and click Open. The logo is now linked to your company.

Things to consider when uploading your logo:

  • The file format must be .jpg, .gif or .png.
  • The size of the image must be 280 x 90 pixels (width x height). If the logo is not in one of these formats, the size will automatically be adapted.


Invoice processing and reports:

1. A new customer has written to me wanting e-invoices. How can I set this up?

2. The recipient has not received our invoice, has it been sent/delivered?

3. How can I simplify my invoicing and send more e-invoices?

4. Can I order monthly reports on our invoice flow?

Go to the Account > Settings page and the Reports tab to order reports on your invoice flow.

Check the Send monthly reports box and save your new settings.


The report contains information on sent and received invoices and delivery method, etc.

There is no extra charge for the reports.

Read more:
Report on rejected supplier invoices

Format and system requirements:

1. What is PEPPOL and can Inexchange handle it?

PEPPOL is a framework for formats and the transmission of electronic business documents within and across EU borders.

Inexchange fully supports PEPPOL.

Read more: Q&As about PEPPOL

Unable to find the answer to your question?
How to contact our support department >>

My user credentials are not working, can you send new ones?

Whether you use our online service or any of our automated solutions, your user information is managed in the same way. If you forgot your password you must, for safety reasons, order new login information from us. Please follow the guide below.

1. Start your browser and go to http://www.inexchange.se and click on the button "Log in" at the top right. If you do not see this, click here to open the page automatically.

2. On the new page, click on the blue text labeled "Having trouble logging in?", see picture below.

3. On the new page, check the option that matches your problem and click on the button “Continue”.

4. Depending on which option you choose, you can either fill out a service request that will be processed by our eminent support the same business day or alternatively, fill in the e-mail address of your account and you will receive an automatic e-mail with your new login information.

Learn more about... [PEPPOL]

Via InExchange, you can send and receive electronic documents according to PEPPOL's requirements.


Frequently asked questions about PEPPOL:

1. What is PEPPOL?

PEPPOL stands for Pan-European Public Procurement On-Line.

Simply put, it's a legal framework regarding format and transmission of electronic business documents within and across the EU borders. The regulations are made within the EU and consists of a technical platform, agreements, instructions and specifications for a standardized way of exchanging documents.

Read more:
DIGG - Agency for Digital Government

2. Does InExchange support PEPPOL?

Yes, we fully support PEPPOL.

3. Is there any benefits of choosing InExchange as access point?


One of the benefits of using InExchange is that we constantly keep track of all formats and regulatory updates. For instance, PEPPOL has permission to make changes in its format two (2) times per year. This may be difficult for the system supplier to implement.

InExchange also supports multiple formats. Regardless of which format your business system manages, we convert it free of charge into the formats that are required by PEPPOL.

We're in several different committees and we're also a part of PEPPOL's working group to develop new rules and formats. This way, we'll be notified of any news early and may affect future rules and working methods.  

4. How does PEPPOL affect our business? - What do I need to do?


If you send your invoices via InExchange, you don't need to do anything specific. The possibility to send to a PEPPOL-recipient is included in your service.

In some cases, minor adjustments may be required in the invoice material to be interpreted according to the invoice requirements for PEPPOL. For example, percentages need to be specified on the invoice line . If you use InExchange services to send invoices, we will contact you if you need to adjust anything.


Those who use InExchange services to receive invoices can contact our support to register the company as a recipient in PEPPOL's register. The registration doesn't cost you anything extra.

After that, you can receive invoices from a PEPPOL-sender in the format you usually receive your documents from InExchange. We convert from PEPPOL's format to yours at no additional cost.

Read more:
Create a support case to register

5. How do I find information about recipients in PEPPOL?

When you send an e-invoice via InExchange, you don't need to keep track of the recipient's technology. In our register we collect information and have an overview of invoice recipients in our network and choose communication methods and format automatically on invoice transfer.

You can search for information about recipients in PEPPOL here >>

6. How do I find information about suppliers in PEPPOL?

Only recipients are registered in PEPPOL, so unfortunately you can't find suppliers. 

7. What formats can my invoice recipient manage via PEPPOL?

You'll find information about the formats that can be sent via the links below.

If you send your invoices via InExchange, we handle it for you. We will convert your invoice material to the format that your recipient can manage as well as PEPPOL-format in those cases where the recipient receives via PEPPOL.

In some cases, minor adjustments may be required in the invoice material to be interpreted according to the invoice requirements for PEPPOL. For example, percentages need to be specified on the invoice line. If you use InExchange's services to send invoices, we will contact you if you need to adjust anything.

8. What is a PEPPOL ID?

It's a kind of identifier for a party in PEPPOL. Every recipient has their own PEPPOL ID which allows the different access points to find the parties.

A PEPPOL ID consists of two parts. A prefix, such as 0007, which determines what the last part's type of data. For example, InExchange PEPPOL ID 0007:5567009971.

0007 = Swedish company registration number
0088 = GLN number

If you send invoices and documents via PEPPOL with InExchange, you don't need to think about the recipients' PEPPOL ID. We'll keep you updated.

Read more:
List with all prefixes for PEPPOL 
What's a GLN?

9. Can a company have several PEPPOL IDs?

Just as a company can have several GLNs, you can have several PEPPOL IDs. There may be different entities or departments within an organization that need separate IDs to allow recipients to be separated.

You can also have different IDs for different types of documents.

Read more:
What's a GLN?

10. What requirements is there on registred recipients in PEPPOL?

Documents may not be denied as long as they are correct by default. This also means that no sender of documents may be denied.
Any validation of reference codes may not be made on invoices entered via PEPPOL. These must be received, but can of course be rejected manually by you as a recipient.

All PEPPOL recipients must at least be able to receive the current PEPPOL BIS standards. You can also choose to receive, for example, Svefaktura via PEPPOL. InExchange, however, ensures that you as a recipient get the right format to your system no matter how the supplier sends it to us.

11. My system can't manage PEPPOL BIS. Can I still be in PEPPOL?

Absolutely! InExchange helps with the conversion of invoice material so that the senders can send invoices in the format they can, and so that the recipients can receive files in their system in a functioning manner.

12. Is any special software required to send or receive via PEPPOL?

No, if you use InExchange for invoice management, nothing is required. We convert the material so that it can be interpreted correctly by the recipient no matter what format the sender sends it in.

13. Which countries are using PEPPOL?

14. Does PEPPOL fulfill the requirement for the new European standard?

Yes, PEPPOL's new format PEPPOL BIS 3 Billing complies with the European Standard EN16931.

More information about standards can be found at SFTI's website >>

15. Is it possible to send and receive orders through InExchange according to PEPPOL's standard?

Yes, InExchange provides orders and order messages between the buyer and the supplier also according to PEPPOL's standard.

16. I invoice municipalities and other public authorities, how does PEPPOL facilitate me?

Not much really, but...

From November 1 2018, it is required of all government agencies to register in PEPPOL. That means they must receive the documents sent to them, no matter how many, for example, invoices a supplier sends to them.

As of April 1 2019, all public purchases are required to be invoiced in accordance with the new European Standard EN16931. In itself, it has nothing to do with PEPPOL, but the new PEPPOL BIS Billing V3 format complies with EN16931, which hopefully everyone who is in public purchases, registers as a recipient in PEPPOL to help their suppliers meet the legal requirement.

If you've had a previous relationship with your customer and send, for example, Svefaktura 1.0, you can also send the same format after April 1 2019.

So, it's a bit complicated but you as a supplier to public buyers can demand that they receive, for instance, invoices via PEPPOL. 

Didn't you find the answer to your question?
Contact us for more information >>

FAQs about our services
  1. Sending customer invoices

    1. FAQs about our services
    2. FAQs about invoices
    3. - Invoice to a new e-invoice recipient
    4. - Sent invoices
    5. E-invoice formats
    6. InExchange Postage Optimization
  2. Receiving supplier invoices

    1. Receive invoice
    2. - E-invoice by file (integrated service)
  3. User accounts and settings

    1. Agreements and licenses
    2. Login and account settings
    3. Contact us

You can send all of your invoices via us, be they e-invoices, PDFs or paper invoices. You can choose between our web-based services (Free or Basic), which you can get started with straight away, our invoice printer (Premium), which sends invoices created in your ERP system, or an integrated service (Enterprise), where the invoice files are transferred to us and then delivered to the recipients via our invoice exchange.

Please contact us if you would like to get started with an integrated service.
You can also read more about our services on our website >>

FAQs about getting started:

1. How do I connect to your Free account?

Create an account and then follow the instructions in our user guide for InExchange Web.

2. How do I upgrade my service?

You can upgrade your service on the Upgrade page via your login to InExchange Network. You are also welcome to contact us to upgrade or for assistance in choosing a suitable service.

Quotes are given for integrated services. Please contact us if you’re interested in an integrated service.

3. How do I get started with InExchange Invoice Printer?

Read more about Invoice Printer and our other services on our website www.inexchange.com. You can also order services here.

In our Invoice Printer – Installation guide, you’ll find further information on getting started.

4. Will your services work with my ERP system?

InExchange Free/Basic is not linked to your ERP system so it works as an independent solution for your customer invoicing. InExchange Invoice Printer connects easily to your ERP system and works with the vast majority of Windows-based systems. InExchange also works closely with most known systems suppliers on the market.

Read more on our Partners page >>

5. My registration number is already being used

Quotes are given for integrated services.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact our sales department on +46 (0)500 – 44 63 60 (press 1) or via the chat function on our website www.inexchange.com

How to correct an undelivered invoice
  1. Contact InExchange

    1. Contact information and opening hours
    2. Who do I turn to for help?
  2. Support

    1. How to create a support case
    2. View your case history
    3. How to update an ongoing support case
    4. How to correct an undelivered invoice
    5. How to add a new recipient to the network

 Sign in to InExchange Network to view and manage invoices and settings, etc.

Instructions to manage and correct an undelivered invoice:

1. Click on To manage to view all your invoices that couldn't be delivered. 


2. Click on Manage on the invoice you'd like to correct.


  • Correct a faulty reference or order number
    Follow the instructions in the message that is shown. You can correct a faulty reference or order number in the related field to resend the invoice. Contact the invoice recipient for correct information. Read more >>

  • Update address and resend a returned paper invoice
    Follow the instructions in the message that is shown. You can also control the printout via the link in the message. Update the address information and resend the invoice. Read more >>

More information:

  • You can view undelivered invoices that go three (3) months back.
  • Click on Remove if the invoice has already been managed elsewhere and you'd like to remove the invoice from the list. 
  • If you resend the invoice with a different delivery method than e-invoice, the change will not be made in the customer registry.

InExchange News articles

See all articles
Adjustment of postage prices from 1 November 2023

For those who send prints with us:

From November 1, 2023, we are making a price adjustment on print. The new prices are a direct consequence of the postage increase that PostNord and our subcontractors implement on October 2.


  Service Increase
Sweden  Domestic, priority 0,90 kr SEK
  International 2,00 kr SEK


For those who do not send prints with us:

Despite the price increase, it is still more advantageous to use our print service than to send via regular mail. In addition to being offered a lower postage price, you avoid the cost of paper, envelopes, and the additional work that traditional letter handling entails. Note that the ability to send paper invoices is already included in your service with us.

InExchange E-commerce

Managing orders electronically between the customer and supplier is cost effective and environmentally sound.

InExchange offers solutions that can handle the entire order flow and the messages associated with them. We adapt the format of the various order messages according to both client and supplier's preferences.


Want to know more about inExchange E-commerce?

Contact us on +46 (0)500-44 63 60 for more information.

You can also read more about InExchange E-commerce and our other services on www.inexchange.com.

Send all your invoices through InExchange

Did you know that you can send all your invoices via InExchange – regardless of delivery method?

The only thing you need to do is send all your invoices through InExchange. You will then get suggestions regarding how to optimize your invoice flow. The latest delivery method will be saved in the settings for every recipient, so you only need to select delivery method once per recipient or when you wish to change it.

You can choose between these three delivery methods:

  • E-invoice
  • PDF-invoice
  • Paper invoice

Contact us by e-mail or phone if you wish to get information about your current prices.

If you are using our free InExchange Web Base service, you can send e-invoices and PDF-invoices. If you wish to be able to send paper invoices as well, you need to upgrade your account to either InExchange Web Plus or to some of our automated services.

Read more:

InExchange Postage Optimization